Adding Clients

There are 2 ways to add clients into the platform. The sections below discuss both possible ways.

Adding manually using the platform

In order to add a single client at a time you can use the 'add client' button on your clients page.

Clicking 'add client' will prompt you to enter in your client's name, email, and type of account (Individual vs. Entity)

Once you click the icon under actions icon you will see your new user in the client table. Clicking the downward arrow or icon will allow you to do the final onboarding for the client.

Adding using the bulk upload

If you have a large amount of clients it may make more sense to do a bulk uploads rather than add them one-by-one. In order to utilize the bulk upload, first download the template from our platform, map your client data to the columns, then save as a new excel or csv file. Once you've saved if click the 'import clients' button in our platform, and you'll be guided through the remaining steps. 

For more information on what fields are included in the spreadsheet please see this article

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